Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Jarvis Nebulae Files - Part Four

© Duncan Wheeler 1997-2007

The Cave Dwellers Society of Tasmania is a highly respected underground organisation that reaches into the upper echelons of the business world. In fact it leaves virtually no occupation untouched, with members in every field from Engineering to Art, Commerce to Psychology, Politics to Music. It was a bright winter Sunday outside, and my recycled baked beans were cold when I spotted the newspaper ad for the meeting, and decided upon infiltrating this enviable club which apparently offers great benefits to cross-country travellers, among other things. The ad was written in code of course, as a stringent screening process keeps out the muck. It was disguised as one for an escort agency.

A subtle difference between the lady in the picture and the normal escort ads was that the lady pictured had a receding forehead, really big gums and one or two teeth missing.

When I looked closely at the picture, past the woman, on the wall behind I saw the silhouette of a man with a club. At first I thought perhaps that it was an attempt at honest advertising, but woe-be-to-me my youthful idealism was soon quenched by the waters of my swiss-precision clockwork brain.

Because the wording was also slightly different from the usual. Instead of, "Attractive young babes available - very discreet, personal service" it actually said, "Attractive worn caves available - very distant, pretty good service if you1re used to waiting for about five days for your pizza". You see, not the average eye could pick that up.

Anyway, it was without hesitation then that I called the number and thus entered the world of the CDS. Unbeknownst to them, Jarvis Nebulae would soon be in their midst, scraping charcoal from cave ceilings and learning secret rock-chipping skills. I didn1t give them my real name, I told them I was the Lord Mayor, and I was planning a solo camping holiday across in the wilderness in order to bring my spirits back to the basic levels.

The first thing I had to do before joining was to clothe myself properly, in order not to stand out from the other members, and in the confines of a semi-rural outer city suburb there was really only one option.

A fine breath-like mist had clogged my glasses by the time I reached the paddock where at least fifty of your classic black and white dappled cows were cautiously eyeing me over their tasty meals of crud, sorry, cud. I was sweating profusely, partly from the exertion of carrying a five-foot solid Huon club (which I'd fashioned from my parents' coffee table) up a 35 degree slope. Partly because, well, I1ve never killed anything that big before.

A man has to do what a man has to do, and I summoned up the courage. Then I looked for the smallest calf I could find so that it couldn1t fight back if things got nasty. There! A pathetic little critter the size of a large dog, but with no teeth and no brain. Still, I approached cautiously, remembering my late teenage conquests of killer ants in the playground. Then I did a magnificent war-cry and ran at him brandishing the club over my head. But in an instant, I was surrounded by half a dozen cows, dropping big piles of soggy green poo from their buttocks which splashed up off the hard ground onto my brown leather pants. If they poo that bloody much, why don1t they just cut down on the food?

I looked at my pants, which were finished. Then I realised the calf was out of sight, and I ran for the nearest exit, but a cow swayed in my direction as I attempted to escape. It was then that I saw something in its big black eye that troubled me. It had a... I wouldn1t say mean... but a slightly less passive and dumb look in its eye. In my shock I ran to the other side of the ring of cows, but the same happened again, and this time it was closer, and when I reversed around again, the ring was silently closing in on me, all of their normally docile and fearful eyes simply glistening with... with mild unpassiveness. What was happening? This sort of display of intelligence was worrying. Normally cows couldn1t put up a fight against a toaster in a game of chess.

As panic rose in my heaving chest, I stood on my head and tried to summon my spirit guidance officer from Zoon, but the reception was bad on this hill (why, of all the dewy meadows?), and I was forced to give up. But I was still standing on my head when the leader of the cows (yes! - it amazed me too that there was a BLOODY LEADER) saw an opportunity and made a wily move towards me and grabbed my foot in its mouth. The others soon joined in and as I screamed for my mummy they carried me across the paddock towards some rapids. These fat-arsed skinny-legged creatures couldn1t do the Riverdance if their last mouthful of grass was marijuana, and here they were about to waste me on some rocks.

As they carried me down the bank to a crescendo of rushing water, I was starting to lose my pride. My throbbing head was filled with my advanced blood type. Why was my renowned super-spy-like resourcefulness failing me now? Cows couldn1t rally a rebellion against the grass if the quantity of poo exiting their bums correlated with intelligence! The big fat dumb-arsed herbivorous quadrupeds couldn1t... I realised the futility of trying to figure out an insult for them and thought hard, harder than I1d ever thought before.

As they threw me into the river I remember crying one last, "I'LL SEE YOU IN MY NEXT MEAL!!!! HA HAA HHAAAA!!!" before complete darkness enveloped my being.

For more randomness in the form of thoughts, stories, music and videos, visit or

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Do you only use iTunes? Do you consider other sites?
Have you ever used Musicane, 7Digital, Nimbot, Hoooka, SNOCAP etc.?
I only recently discovered these sites! From a creators point of view they seem theoretically to be a brilliant way to easily distribute and sell your music mp3s online. On many you can even set your price very cheap (some of mine are FREE, some are 15 cents).

[Indie artists see this really useful comparison site: ]

I'm also wondering if anyone else has any experience of using such artist-self-distribution sites or whether people would consider buying from them. As a buyer OR creator of music, do you think it is a losing game and does an artist really have to be on Apple's iTunes and already have tonnes of fans to even make enough to reach the point where the artist gets anything back from the site (usually a minimum annual payment threshold of around US$15 or maybe UK £10 ish).

I've dived right in and tried two of them but so far no sales, not that I expected any, because as with anything the trick is to get traffic to your site in the first place.

From my point of view the Musicane one is pretty cool because it allows me to let anyone re-sell my music and garner 20% (or whatever I choose) of the profits. But I can't get it to accept my UK credit card - I had to try it to see if it worked!

If anyone would like to share stores and a cut of the profits please get in touch by the way via

Did you know that you can now buy Duncan Alex songs & videos from
0 (FREE) to US15cents to UK0.77p on:

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Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Jarvis Nebulae Files - Part Three (other parts to follow)

© Duncan Wheeler 1997-2007

Have you ever wondered where possums sleep during the day? I mean, this is a country with really thin trees with really small leaves and somehow there are thousands of fat furry brown things the size of petrol cans supposedly hanging off these supermodel- proportioned trees during broad daylight, which by the way is some of the brightest daylight in the world. And nobody sees them. Let me ask you one thing - have YOU ever seen them during the daylight? So where do they go? That's a very good question.

Since visiting my local government department who told me, "well, they're just very good at hiding", I believe I have uncovered a conspiracy regarding the whereabouts of these oversized rats during our normal working hours. Upon hearing the ridiculous suggestion of an animal being very good at hiding (how can you hide when you look like a giant meatball with fur?) I immediately set to the public library where I found some interesting pictures. I don't know why they have pictures of men feeling naked women's breasts in books on art, but it sure makes interesting reading. I found it quite difficult to remain focussed on the task at hand, especially as the lady sitting in front of me was wearing nothing but clothes. Eventually I forced myself to find the Little Furry Creatures Section, which by happenstance was exactly next to the books on artistic voyeurism. That's quite strange really, but I immediately found the pictures of the little creatures quite appealing.

Very soon, however, after looking at photo after photo of terribly frightened and sickeningly cute wide-eyed fuzzballs, I had to fight the rising feeling of revulsion. It was all the more abhorrent as I thought about how well these seemingly harmless, helpless creatures were exploiting the well-known human tendency to anthropomorphise cuddly critters. It was the ideal cover for a race of UTUFO-flying interlopers. Yes, my theory as I see it now is undeniable and incontrovertible but of course, as with all theories, unprovable.

Let me explain piece-by-piece the elements of my theory: You want to know where they go during the daytime? The little poo-coloured monsters go underground, like poo, and don1t come out until they see the dark, the opposite of poo. Ever wondered why their eyes are red? Because, my friends their eyes are not really eyes, they are infrared remote controls for the security systems on their flying vehicles. Now, to address the problem of them flying underground, well don1t you see, it all makes sense now - I have seen a UTUFO myself, with my own eyes, on the underground express route. Ah, there1s no denying it! I'm onto something, alright.

Call me Jarvis: P.I., or Jarvis: poet laureate...perhaps Jarvis: living legend, but just call me, WOMEN, please just... no, I mustn1t beg... Look, baby, if you think I'm somewhat of a genius trapped inside a gorgeously understated body, just, you know, c'mon over and, well, I'll come on over too. Aw, I know, honey... just try and calm down... take those clothes off slowly.. we've got all night then, well I gotta do what a man's gotta do, with another chick in the South of France...yeah...look I'm sorry, HEY !? oh, no, don't! I was just, talking to myself, no pretty lady, please don't turn into a fat furry creature and start climbing a tree , no .....NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn those bloody creatures! They're starting to really intrude, messing with my mind like that in my most private James Bond fantasies. Well, I'll have to try the Scully and Mulder fantasy then:

Look Mulder! He's spouting black gelatinous liquid from his eyes!

You want to know what I think?

You're not going to tell me that it's the leftover of an alien rock from a meteorite that crashed into the earth 60 million years ago during the Jurassic period and annihilated the entire dinosaur species, and thereafter led to the creation of a cross-species of possessed humans who were, with the advent of advanced genetic tinkering this century, improperly cloned in an attempt to discover how to make a photosynthesising humanoid-alien breed in case we run out of food on planet earth?

No Scully, I was going to say, oh how beautiful you look in that close-fitting grey cloth suit today.

Oh Mulder, why do you tease me, when you know I...

Shut up and take your clothes off Scully, you little sex-pot.

Oh Mulder, why...

Cmon, babe, every other woman in the world would die to see me in those red speedos again, so why don't I just take off my trousers, matter of fact - I've got my red beauties on right now - wanna see?

Oh Mulder, I...think you're undergoing some sort of transformation...

You bet I am sugar...

No, you're turning all small and furry

Now, that's not nice, Scully...

No, really! Look in the mirror - it's...uugghh, it's horrible!!!!!!

God damn it even this no-fail fantasy isn't working...I .......j.........just ......can't make it work.......ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have decided to dedicate my life to uncovering those UTUFOs. No matter where they go I WILL find them, and they can be sure, that when they decide to unleash thousands of small forest animals upon the cities, I Jarvis, KNOW ABOUT THEM! Forewarned is forarmed, suckers!!

For more randomness in the form of thoughts, stories, music and videos, visit:

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